

BBSpoft is creating a multi-chain NFT ecosystem focused on reducing the entry barrier to NFTs for end-users, artists, brands and corporations by building tools to cover the full range of onboarding, min- ting & secondary market selling.

Even though BBSoft will be creating a blockchain agnostic NFT ecosystem, the BSC blockchain will remain its main focus.

It is a multifunctional infrastructure built to maximise the power of NFT’s, whilst minimising the technical complexity nee- ded to use them. We strive to solve the key challenges of High Transaction Fees and Sustainability whilst catering to au- diences beyond those who are already Crypto-Savvy.

The BBPlace will be a multi-blockchain NFT marketplace fo- cused on creating the best possible secondary market user experience for both seasoned crypto-users and also crypto-beginners.

The BBWallt will be a app based wallet focused specifically on creating the easiest way for users to come into the Web3 space for the very first time.

The BBPay Payment Gateway is our standardized checkout system for Sales. It integrates all major wallets and services and will be tightly coupled to the BB App to simplify the process of buying with fiat and crypto currencies.

The BBLaunch Game Launchpad will be a decentralized Digital Rights Management platform & store focused

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